Package-level declarations
Facade for the AXP Calling module.
Callback interface for updating the Android notifications area on the screen when the call state changes.
Call was ended due to an unrecoverable error.
Media settings for a new call being started.
Custom representation of a call state in the Android Telecom Manager.
Simple interface to represent related call actions to communicate with the registered call scope in the TelecomCallRepository.registerCall
The central repository that keeps track of the current call and allows to register new calls.
This service handles the app call logic (show notification, record mic, display audio, etc..). It can get started by the user or by an upcoming push notification to start a call.
An error returned from Jetpack Telecom.
Add a Call to the existing Conversation.
Add a Call to the existing Conversation, with an asynchronous callback.
Extension method to start a new outgoing call by sending a message to TelecomCallService.
Extension method to send a notification to TelecomCallService to alert it of any possible changes to the telecom call state.